Monday 13 April 2015

Internet Listings

From my primary research done on the aesthetics of TV listings, they serve little other purpose than wallpapering the universe with it's drab design. They range from bad to wrose as seen in the two pictures below. I never knew TV listings were so terribly designed!

It is here-forth my mission to design and produce an internet listing which is not only concise and easy to read, but enjoyable to read. Something I have not even been able to find of internet listings!

As the reflective posts on your blogs are currently a little under used I'd like you to start implementing a daily post with the following questions:
What I did today?
What were the main three elements that helped me develop?
What did I struggle with today?
Was there a ‘what happens if’ in my day?
Were there any eureka moments?
How can I improve on today - tonight or tomorrow?

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