Thursday 23 April 2015

First Pitch

Pitch Proposal

In the video embedded above I pitch my idea of two of my tutors, James and Steve. My idea is for a TV digest meets a TV guide, except it highlights only web based video content. What I like to call 'Internet Listings', for now at least. My original idea was to make it a print document that would make a weekly appearance in the Bath Chronicle newspaper, pooling in shows to feature from top video platforms such as Netflix, YouTube, Vimeo, Hulu, Vevo, etc.

But my tutors helped me to see that this wouldn't be successfully in print, as there is just far too much content out there to fit in one article that a mass audience could relate to. So the bigger potential for the idea was established. I'm now working on a website and app concept where user will be able to sign into, link it to their social networking accounts, answer personalisation questions and then receive a web base listing of shows and videos that are directly relevant and tailored to them.

Stage One Concept Art: 

The design was inspired by the layered effect that the new iTunes (version 10) gives you when you click on albums in your library. Also how an algorithm takes a general colour sample of the artwork and creates a faded background that blends into it seamlessly. I tried to incorporate this idea in the top and bottom of the 'Orange is the new Black' top banner, how it fades in from the top and bottom.

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