Thursday 30 April 2015

Thursday 23 April 2015

First Pitch

Pitch Proposal

In the video embedded above I pitch my idea of two of my tutors, James and Steve. My idea is for a TV digest meets a TV guide, except it highlights only web based video content. What I like to call 'Internet Listings', for now at least. My original idea was to make it a print document that would make a weekly appearance in the Bath Chronicle newspaper, pooling in shows to feature from top video platforms such as Netflix, YouTube, Vimeo, Hulu, Vevo, etc.

Monday 13 April 2015

Internet Listings

From my primary research done on the aesthetics of TV listings, they serve little other purpose than wallpapering the universe with it's drab design. They range from bad to wrose as seen in the two pictures below. I never knew TV listings were so terribly designed!

It is here-forth my mission to design and produce an internet listing which is not only concise and easy to read, but enjoyable to read. Something I have not even been able to find of internet listings!

As the reflective posts on your blogs are currently a little under used I'd like you to start implementing a daily post with the following questions:
What I did today?
What were the main three elements that helped me develop?
What did I struggle with today?
Was there a ‘what happens if’ in my day?
Were there any eureka moments?
How can I improve on today - tonight or tomorrow?

Idea's Focus Group

"I think your ideas are very contemporary and useful for younger people. I think that you could maybe have something that is visually appealing like the comedians column is very vibrant and electric to attract people. I think the Online TV guide is a very original idea and could really work. The meal deal is a very good idea and would help a lot of people but would people just open the newspaper, take the coupons out and walk away? and I love the idea of a free app/song of the week, it is very good for young people and Apple/Android could also get benefits from it."

"I think the first idea of having a free app/song would be appealing to the chosen demographic as I think it will be something they'd be interested in. And as it's worked to another popular company, I believe it would attract more younger people. Also I like the entertainment guide. because many students would be attracted to that kind of thing as it is popular in that age range."

What I got from the focus group conducted is that the free app/song of the week will be very successful and popular. So I will work on producing a presentation for it. But as it has already done by another company I will have to put an interesting twist on it to keep it fresh. 

What I will spend my time producing is a pitch for the Internet Guide/Listings. I envision this as being really trendy and modern, with a sleek and glossy graphic design, very typographically based. Pooling in listings from many different media outlets, such as Hulu, YouTube, Netflix, Pandora, iPlayer, Vimeo, etc. With quick, snappy and comprehensive write-ups for each featured video.

4 Ideas For The Bath Chronicle

Four ideas that I think will help the bath Chronicle retain their younger readers:

1) Offer a 'Free App/Song of the Week' voucher. This is a super effective marketing strategy that few companies are using. It will work well as virtually all of their young demographic have smartphones, thus will be able to benefit from a weekly free app promotion. Starbucks use this strategy in their coffee shops, and my friends and I religiously go there to patronise them and get the free app/song. It helps if they're good apps or songs.

2) As many of their younger demographic gravitate more towards internet entertainment rather than watching television, a fresh new idea is to have  an internet guide instead of a TV guide. This can be a weekly instalment which highlights interesting new additions to the Netflix, Hulu and Pandora libraries, funny must-see YouTube videos, new episodes for web-series like House of Cards, Orange Is The New Black, Breaking Bad, etc, with brief synopsis's of the episode.

3) A weekly column written by a super sassy comedian about their day-to-day life and activities would be really good because everyone loves a good comedian (and sarcasm). If they're funny, then hearing about their experiences each week will be quite captivating.

4) 'Meal Deal' coupons will be really good as well as younger readers are usually on a strict monetary budget so they will welcome a deal on lunch when they're at school or work. Also a voucher where you need to collect a certain number of coupons from consecutive newspapers to get a free prize.