Thursday 14 May 2015

Product Reviews

I pitched my website concept today to some of my peers and here's what they had to say:


Your tour is amazing! Extremely well made and everything is very clear. It's a really good idea. I like that it has nothing to do with Bath and is completely different from other people's ideas. I like the way everything moves smoothly and all the transitions are good. I think having the little taster video in there is also a really good idea. You have a variety of shows and movies there to appeal to everyone. I think the shows and movies that were shown in the tour would definitely appeal to your target audience. I don't really have anything you could improve on as I think it was very good. Well done!

I really like your product, I think it is a really good idea. Considering our generations more interested in going online and using certain social networking sites and websites etc I think they would prefer to go online and to find things to watch instead of picking up a magazine and reading plus I like the idea of filling out some questions in order for the website to locate films that would interest each individual especially because sites such as NetFlix have so many films and programmes but if your website limits the amount to films similar to your interests they would be a lot easier to find.

"Ite bled, ur idea was  well peng init, mans is well excited for when dey release it yeh."

Translation - "I really like the idea, I think it's something that a lot of people could benefit, not just people of Bath but people all over the world. My only concern would be how much it would cost for the upkeep of it to the Bath Chronicle who I imagine are probably quite tight with their budget..."

"That's really good James, it's an original idea with a lot of thought put into it, I think it could have a bit more to do with the chronicle though, I don't know how - it just could?"

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