Tuesday 24 March 2015

Demographic Target

Who My Target Demographic Is:

Young persons, aged 14 to 25 in the Bath area. These are persons who are well educated and live at home or who are not yet home owners. The readership has a equal proportion of males to females. The social class has a majority of ABC1's, high income households. Hence they have the spending power and financial freedom. Additionally these persons are technologically savvy.

They regularly consume media content which is relevant to them. Content about their passions, hobbies, worries and fears. Material that will improve their lifestyle, that they will feel compelled to buy.

Households consist of young and older singles and couples. The people living here are in general qualified to a very high level and the typical employment type is classified as professional or white and blue collar. Unemployment stands at 12% higher than the national average, and the industry sector is defined as consisting of the service industry, for example tourism, retail, transport/distribution and catering or intellectual services, for example IT, scientific research, education and consulting.

(Information from PewSocialTrends.com)


  1. Peer Feedback, Vicki : I like the fact that you have included statistics in certain parts while also including relevant data. You have a clear understanding on the ABC1 and how it separates middle to higher class. I also think the idea of using content can change the way they feel- good work!

  2. I also like the fact that you gave clear detail on each of the class' at the end :)
